Monday, April 14, 2008

Let(s) go...

There’s something with me and resignation. For reasons far beyond my control, I can’t seem to do it very openly. I wonder why? I spent all of today thinking how I would break the news to my boss. I passed by him several times but just couldn’t muster the courage to broach the issue. This, after dropping a significant hint to him on Friday evening. This guilt trip that I go through deep within is something so very hard to fathom.

Who am I answerable to? – No one
Is the length of my stay in the firm a concern? – Yes, but why, I can’t quite understand
Do I fear my boss? – No
Am I overtly sensitive about what he’ll say? – Partly yes, but should that over-rule the rest of it all.

Some people have vague tendencies and even weirder weaknesses. I’ve realized one of them in myself. I find it hard to let go. I preach it but fail to practice it. I reach out to people when I know they’re slipping away. I frown upon myself for moving on but eventually do by cursing the shit out of myself in the process.

What am I scared of? – The repercussions. Possibly yes.
Will there by any at all? – Not sure, but more often than not, I make them up and worry about them.

This thing about myself is really fascinating me.

I can do with a bit of learning on how to treat bygones to be bygones, and more importantly, when to make what a bygone…..


Aditi Chauhan said...

I can completely relate to the first half!!!!

AJ{ax} said...

where does ur first half end ???

Aditi Chauhan said...
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Aditi Chauhan said...

"Am I overtly sensitive about what he’ll say? – Partly yes, but should that over-rule the rest of it all."

My first half ends there ;-)

Trideep said...


Though I have never ever put a resignation, but the thought of it scares me. The thoughts that u have mentioned in ur blog runs through my mind. Do tell me if u ever find a solution.


I think its about leaving.. not about an organization...

Leaving a place.. breaking up in a relationship.. leaving a company..

it also probably has to do with what people think of you when you leave them.. Obviously none of us like the fact that people or things leave us..

Thats how I felt when I put in my papers.. Guts, society, yada yada yada!

I bless you with something freud said, "May the subconscious become the conscious"!

Nate said...

Welcome to MY mind

You should find a job where you are your own boss.... its much less stressful!

