Thursday, March 30, 2006

A holiday this is meant to be !

You know, the first thing that was synonymous with a holiday...was long sleeping hours. It still is for many ppl, tho for seems to have changed a bit. Yes, its 9 AM in the morning right now. The most common thing ppl would fathom doing right now, is sitting at the workplaces and trying to justify to the world, that they're not getting paid for nothing ! But...but...but...but here I am, on a weekday morning at peak time..sitting amidst the comfort of my home at writing this. Its strange isnt it, how mentality can change over the years. Your constantly telling ppl 'Im like this', 'This is how I am', 'Dont think i'll ever change', but do...the only cover dont realize you've done !

Take for example, what did holidays mean in school..ahhh...catching the 7 O clock bus / cab was a dream. Your eyes wouldnt open before the short hand of the clock struck 10. No homework, no studying, lotsa friends, a li'l bit of cricket, hot food, the fav. TV shows, and ofcourse..a long deprived afternoon siesta...This sure would've been a dream holiday wouldnt it.

Now temme, what's a holiday today. Firstly, before going on to explain, lemme also reason out that holidays these days for me...are quite drastically different from what most common ppl think it is....
Invariably, im left thinking, ah...its an off tomorrow, lets make something better of the night... So off I am, to a folks place, or for a play, or for a movie, or for a drink...All of which doesnt allow me to arrive back home by midnight...
And whats the next morning got in AM is like mid morning for me now...My diligent maid shall do the honours of disturbing my slumber ! and the day shall begin from there on...with a sleep deprived guy trying to join the dots....



"It isnt a holiday if it isnt spent doing nothing" -Calvin & Hobbes!!

Getting up late or early isnt the point for me..

AJ{ax} said...

i told interpretation of things are quite different from that of the common man...

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.