Monday, October 16, 2006

You....yes You...Will you ever........

You - Sitting right there in the corner...
thinking harder, acting smarter....
Wake up...
Who the hell are you trying to fool here?

You - cuddled up in a sense of fright...
ruffled hair, wrinkled eyes...
wake's a time to see, it's a time to live...
What the hell are you achieving in here?

You - with your face clouded in deep smoke...
step on the gas....stop being trash...
Wake up...
When the hell will you cut out that fear?

You - morose and self indulged soul...
looking for pity, craving for sympathy...
wake up...move on...
How the hell did you get in here?

You - yes you, that wretched groggy face..
those skinny bones, those faded eyebrows...

You - yes you, with those nervous trembling hands,
those cold feet and that malicious stand..
Will you ever wake up?
Will you ever see the glow of the sun on your face?
Will you ever sing, dance and rejoice?
Will you ever strain those rusty muscles and smile...
Will you...
Will you ever........



is this for me or self or us?

AJ{ax} said...

this is specific to me baby !!! to my current tumultous state of mind ?!!!!!